Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting is committed to a policy of protecting the rights and privacy of individuals, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). GDPR contains provisions that the organisation will need to be aware of as data controllers, including provisions intended to enhance the protection of personal data.
GDPR requires that:
Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting needs to process certain information about its staff, customer, hosts, and other individuals with whom it has a relationship for various purposes such as, but not limited to:
To comply with various legal obligations, including the obligations imposed on it by GDPR, Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting must ensure that all this information about individuals is collected and used fairly, stored safely and securely, and not disclosed to any third party unlawfully.
All members of staff are responsible for ensuring that any personal information which they hold is kept securely and not disclosed to any unauthorised third parties. Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting will ensure that all personal information is accessible only to those who have a valid reason for using it. Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting will have in place appropriate security measures to protect information physically and electronically.
As a matter of best practice, other agencies and individuals working with Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting and who have access to personal information will be expected to read and comply with this policy. It is expected that departments who are responsible for dealing with external bodies will take responsibility for ensuring that such bodies sign a contract, which among other things, will include an agreement to abide by this policy.
Consent as a basis for processing information, although not always necessary, is the best way to ensure that information is collected and processed openly and transparently. Consent is especially important when Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting processes any sensitive information, as defined by the legislation. Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting understands consent to mean that the individual has been fully informed of the intended processing and has signified their agreement.
Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting also confirms consent cannot be inferred from the non-response to a communication. This policy will be updated as necessary to reflect best practices in information management, security, and control and to ensure compliance with any changes or amendments to the GDPR and other relevant legislation.
This policy applies to all staff of Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting. Any breach of this policy or the Regulation itself will be considered an offence, and the companies disciplinary procedures may be invoked.
Data Protection Principles
To comply with its obligations, Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting undertakes to adhere to the principles:
Legitimate disclosures may occur in the following instances:
There are other instances when the legislation permits disclosure without the consent of the individual.
Subject Access Rights (SARs) (the right of access) Individuals have a right to access any personal data relating to them held by Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting. We will use reasonable efforts consistent with our legal duty to supply, correct or delete personal information about you on our files. Any individual wishing to exercise this right should apply in writing to Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting. Any member of staff receiving a SAR should forward this to the Data Protection Officer. To ensure security, we require you to prove your identity with two pieces of approved identification before any SARs request can be released.
Keep personal data accurate (the right to rectification). It is the responsibility of the individuals giving their personal data to ensure that this is accurate, and each individual should notify the Company if a change in circumstances means that the data needs to be updated. It is the responsibility of the Company to ensure that any notification regarding the change is noted and acted on.
Only keep personal data for as long as is necessary (the right to erasure). Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting undertakes not to retain personal data for longer than is necessary to ensure compliance with GDPR legislation and other statutory requirements. This means Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting will undertake a periodic review of the information held and implement a purge process as required. Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting will dispose of any personal data in a way that protects the rights and privacy of the individual concerned.
Restrict the process of personal information. Individuals have the right to prevent the processing of information while that information is subject to corrective action. At any time, a person can request to know what information is stored and request action to rectify, block, erase or destroy inaccurate information while that process is underway
Ensure that no personal data is transferred to a country or a territory outside the European Economic Area (EEA) unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data. Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting will not transfer data to such territories without the explicit consent of the individual. This also applies to publishing information on the Internet – because the transfer of data can include placing data on a website that can be accessed from outside the EEA – so Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting will always seek the consent of individuals before placing any personal data (including photographs) on its website. If Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting collects personal data in any form via its website, it will provide a clear and detailed privacy statement prominently on the website and wherever else personal data is collected.
The right to object allows an individual to prevent processing for purposes of:
Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling.
Incident Response
GDPR introduces a duty to report certain types of personal data breach to the relevant supervisory authority. Where feasible Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting will do this within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach. If the breach is likely to result in a high risk of adversely affecting individuals’ rights and freedoms, Collins-Kittoe Consulting Hosting will also inform those individuals without undue delay.
This policy will be updated to reflect the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) May 2018. Please view the ICO’s website ( which provides further details and guidance. For help or advice on any data protection or freedom of information issues, please do not hesitate to contact: